April 14, 2015

Black & White

Nezaobilazna kombinacija za prestojeću sezonu, ako želite biti elegantni i u trendu, je svakako crno-bela. Trend će se, čini se, zadržati cele godine. Bazne boje za moj današnji izgled jesu crna i bela, iako sako ima i plavih detalja. Kad smo već kod trendova, nikako ne treba zaobići suknju od kože ili skaja, koja je naročito interesantna za modne znalce koji se žele igrati različitim teksturama, ali i bojama.  Kožnu suknju sam iskombinovala  sa crno-belom bluzom i crno-belo-plavim sakoom. Za ovu hladnu kombinaciju sam odabrala srebrni nakit. Crne kožne čizme i crna kožna tašna su klasični detalji bez kojih se ne može. 

Stylish and trendy look for the upcoming season is definitely the black and white. The base colors for todays look are black and white, although a jacket has blue details. Speaking of trends, one should consider leather skirt or faux leather skirt as a must have for the season, which is especially interesting for the fashionistas amongst you who want to play with  different  textures and colors. I combined the leather skirt with black and white shirt, and black-and-white-and-blue jacket. I completed the look  with  silver jewelry. Black leather boots and black leather bag are, of course,  a fashion classic and necessity.

Skirt by Sladjana Milovanović
Koton shirt
New Yorker jacket
Mona bag
Shoes boutique Solo

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