March 29, 2016

Top 5 outdoor activities / Top 5 outdoor aktivnosti

It has been a while since I wanted to write on this subject, so I think this is the right time for this post. People who are engaged in outdoor sport activities know this very well. However, a large number of people are not at all involved in any sport activities and for them all this is unknown. Being active should become part of everyone's life, not because it’s fun (especially outdoors) and because it helps you to maintain a slim and healthy body, but also because it develops an adventurous spirit and vitality - lets them breathe. It also helps you to get rid of stress and brings balance in someone’s lives overall - this is a dimension that cannot be described but you can realize this after continuously engaging in outdoor sport activities.

Odavno želim nešto da napišem na ovu temu, a mislim da je i pravo vreme za ovaj post "nekako s proljeća". Ljudima koji se bave sportovima na otvorenom je to jednostavno jasno kao dobar dan, međutim veliki broj ljudi se uopšte ne bavi sportom i njima je sve ovo nepoznanica. Sport bi trebalo da postane deo svačijeg života, ne samo što je zabavno baviti se sportom (naročito na otvorenem) i zato što pomaže u održavanju vitke linije i zdravog tela, već i budi avanturistički duh i živost, pomaže da se oslobodimo od stresa i unosi balans u naš život celokupno - to je dimenzija koja se ne može opisati a koju spoznamo tek posle kontinuiranog bavljenja sportom.

For women it is particularly important that their workout routine contributes to their figure, they don’t think about other benefits of playing sports. Therefore, they decide to go on a strict diet and exercise indoors, rather than to go outside. They will look through the small window (if it even exists) of a gym or a fitness club like a bird in a cage. It’s only important for a gym to have mirrors for selfies, right? A much smaller number of women engages in outdoor sports than men. Why is that? Women can be adventurous souls, but they prefer a seemingly safer environment. However, choosing to workout in an enclosed space, they will be denied connection with nature and thus the release of negative energy, which I consider to be very important component that affects the health of the spirit. Still don’t get it? Just try it. Be close to nature, but not to roast and destroy nature, but to be active in nature environment –which is the only real thing. People think it's OK to go with their cars on a picnic or in a restaurant by the water and they are already living healthy lives. Hardly true.

Za žene je naročito bitno da im sport doprinosi lepšem izgledu, te ne pridaju značaj drugoj dimenziji sporta. Zbog toga pre podležu strogim dijetama i vežbanju u zatvorenom prostoru, gledajući kroz mali prozor neke teretane ili fitnes kluba (ako ga uopše ima) kao ptica u kavezu. Bitno je da ima ogledala, zar ne? Procentualno je znatno manji broj žena koje se bave outdoor sportovima od muškaraca. Zašto je to tako? Žene nisu operisane od avanturizma, ali više vole naizgled bezbednije okruženje. Međutim, u zatvorenom prostoru će vas mimoići povezanost sa prirodom i na taj način oslobađanje od negativne energije, koja je meni jako bitna komponenta koja utiče na zdravlje duha. I dalje nejasno? Jednostavno probajte. Idite u prirodu, ali ne da roštiljate i uništavate prirodu, već joj se približite: aktivnost u prirodi - to je prava stvar. Ljudi misle da je OK otići kolima na neko izletište ili u neki restoran pored i već vode zdrav život. Teško.

So, let’s get back to my favorite outdoor sport activities.

No, da se vratimo na meni omiljene sportove na otvorenom.

March 18, 2016

Black Velvet Skirt with Pearls

My favorite skirt at the moment is this pencil velvet black skirt with pearls sewn at the front cut. There is nothing more elegant than a combination of velvet and pearl, it is kind of fit for a queen. I designed a skirt, topcoat and a necklace myself. For this look I chose long black leather boots, black leather clutch bag and champagne colored shirt with a silver choker necklace. I also chose black velvet topcoat. And that is it for this elegant outfit. See another outfit with velvet trend HERE.

Moja omiljena suknja trenutno je ova pencil plišana suknja sa prišivenim biserima na rubu prednjeg izreza. Nema ništa elegantnije od kombinacije pliša i bisera, naprosto deluje kraljevski. Sama sam dizajnirala ovu suknju, mantil i ogrlicu. Za ovaj izgled sam izabrala duge crne kožne čizme i pismo torbu, kao i košulju u šampanj boji sa choker ogrlicom u boji srebra. Preko ove kombinacije sam nosila crni plišani mantil. Toliko o ovom elegantnom izdanju. Još jedan outfit sa plišanim detaljima možete pogledati OVDE.

March 10, 2016

Black and Nude is a new Black & White

In my book, and in anyone else's these days, black & nude are the neutrals you use in fashion. For today's outfit I chose black plush top and nude cigarette skirt with black, Balmain inspired,  plush belt. With an elegant black plush topcoat, black hat and handmade golden choker necklace, also Balmain inspired, I am ready to go.I completed the look with little black leather clutch bag and black leather boots. Topcoat, skirt, belt, top and necklace are designed and made by me. To see another black & nude Balmain inspired outfit click HERE

Po mom mišljenju, a verujem i po mišljenju većine ovih dana, crna i boja kože su neutralne boje koje se najviše koriste u modi. Za današnji aufit sam izabrala plišani top i cigaret suknju u boji koža sa crnim plišanim kaišem inspirisanim Balmain-om. Sa elegantnim crnim plišanima mantilom, crnim šeširom i glatnom choker oglicom, takođe inspirisanom Balmain-om, moj izgled je upotpunjen. Nosila sam i crnu, kožnu pismo tašnu i crne kožne čizme. Mantil, suknja i kaiš, top i ogrlica su moje kreacije. Da biste videli još jedan autfit u crnoj i boji kože, takođe inspirisanu planetarno popularnim Balmain-om, kliknite OVDE.